PT. Sumatera Arabika Gayo (SAG)
Sumatra arabica green coffee bean producer and exporter
- The only non-speculative producer -

Our Staff :

Vice Director
USA Representative
+1 310 627 7588
1100 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825 USA
History :
Starting from 2009 PT. Sumatera Arabika Gayo (SAG), Indonesia coffee producer and export company who have own processing facilities in Aceh and Medan which reliable to be one of the local green coffee company exporters with an outstanding credibility. We do purchasing directly from farmers and processing it to be ready export quality and direct exporting especially from Aceh and North Sumatera province origin green bean coffee from Indonesia such as Sumatra Arabica Gayo, Mandheling, Lintong, Sidikalang coffee of highest quality with including Fairtrade farm, Organic farm, and Conventional quality supply to the world.
Within 11 years experiences, PT. SAG already expand the business and export destination worldwide like USA, Germany, Swiss, Belgium, South Korea, Taiwan, HongKong, Japan, Malaysia, and many others. PT.SAG shows the main focus on quality by having the Q-Grader also local cupper licence from AEKI (Asosiasi Exportir Kopi Indonesia) and PPKKI (Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia) to improve the ability for maintain and achieve the standard for export quality. Our product certification are FLO Fairtrade, Organic by Control Union (EU and USDA-NOP), and Organic by Doalnara RoastingBean KM (Korea and China).